The story of my shoes started a generation early, with my mother's shoes!
Birkenstock shoes have always been a part of my life. My mother started wearing them when I was just a wee girl because her back was always paining her and she needed some foot relief. Now, some double digit years and a new hip later, my mom is still trucking around town in her ancient Jetta and Birks.
Her Birks always sat by the back door (for putting out the dog) and I remember trying to sneak out to jr. high in them on sunny afternoons. The corked shoes have even made appearances (paired with pantyhose) at family and friends' weddings (although proper dress shoes would be worn at the ceremony). She also considers them all-weather shoes and they have made their way to the grocery store, etc. with socks in the winter. The only thing she hasn't done is wear them with plastic bags in the rain!
Now I too have walked my way through a few pairs of Birks. But while my mother loves the backless sandals I prefer clogs. The pair I have now have been to a lot of basketball games, gotten me through many teaching days, and late nights at the pub. They've also been across the Causeway several times but they haven't made it to a square dance...yet.
My obsession with comfort is not misplaced. Living in Antigonish I feel as though I'm in the NS capital of Birkland. And like my mom, everyone seems to have a Volkswagon to go with their friendly footwear! The Sunflower is the local supplier for people's Birk addictions and many Nishers are hooked. Even some of my Edu profs wear theirs daily and have began to look at investing in "dress" Birks for fancier occasions.
So thanks Mom for introducing me to Birks! I might just follow in her footsteps and acquire a Jetta too (when I have a real job)! But for now I'm just on the hunt for a polka dotted pair to add to my collection-I think my toes deserve the treat.